Trumpet lessons
Trumpet and cornet lessons are for all ages and standards. All that is required is enthusiasm, and a trumpet. Or cornet. And a music stand. And a pencil. Oh, and also some time…
In a lesson we might choose pieces from a genre that interests the student, and explore new music too. We could talk about the background to the pieces, the theory involved in the music, and the technical concepts involved. We might move from pieces written especially for learner trumpet to well-known tunes, or we might focus on one difficult piece, or work on performance anxiety. Some people like to play mostly from memory, though all learn to read music – and for those who already read music very well, there’s always transposing to work on. We talk about practice strategies, pieces to listen to, and – well, trumpets (and cornets) in general! If we run short of conversation, we could have an extremely serious chat about the embouchure. Or play some glissandi.
Some students choose to take graded music exams; some prefer to play for pleasure. Those who are interested prepare for performances and competitions. We often look at orchestral or band parts. Some students choose to join groups such as the Stedfast Training Band (which I help to run), or the Dublin Youth Orchestra, while others like to play solo.
Lessons are available online and in person, on a regular or occasional basis. Most young people choose a weekly lesson of half an hour, while adult students often prefer a longer lesson less frequently. Students take lesson notes (or recordings) to remind them of what to work on before we meet again.