Adeleh Davis DipABRSM, MLitt, BA (Hons)

Adeleh Davis with trumpet

Hi! I teach trumpet, recorder and music theory.

I teach in real life in the Dublin and Wicklow areas of Ireland, and online to any area with a good internet connection. Some of my students are very young beginners, some are adults – also beginners. Some (of all ages) are much more advanced.

I think my job is to help any student understand what is possible on their instrument, and show them the most efficient and enjoyable way to achieve it. If musical and technical concepts are understood, people have fun learning and progress well.

I’ve been teaching for over ten years. That’s quite a lot of students! I hold a Diploma from the Associated Boards of the Royal Schools of Music in Teaching (Trumpet), an MLitt in Traditional Music (University College Dublin), and a BA in Music (Exeter University, UK), with recorder as my first instrument. I trained on recorder under Ross Winters at Birmingham Conservatoire, and currently study the trumpet with Shaun Hooke of the RTE Concert Orchestra. At present I play solo cornet with the Stedfast Brass Band (Blackrock, Co. Dublin), and trumpet with the Hibernian Orchestra (Dublin). Since September 2022 I have been undertaking a Professional Mentorship on Trumpet at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, continuing into 2023-24.